
My Reading Life: A Timeline

1981- I flip through the cardboard pages of Betty Bear's Birthday, meticulously marking each page with purple crayon scribble (just like Harold).

1984- Mom brings me in to take "The Kindergarten Test." The teacher asks me to recite the alphabet. I begin with A and end with E. Mom asks, "Why didn't you sing the whole alphabet?" I respond, "I was tired." Kindergarten is delayed another year.

1988- Miss Fabian reads aloud using funny voices. She teaches us how to use books as mentor texts. She is my only teacher who uses a workshop model. I idolize her.

1989- I discover The Babysitters' Club. I am hooked on series, forever.

1992- Mr. Lovegren is a good teacher, but I stop raising my hand in Language Arts. I am 12, and suddenly concerned about how others perceive me.

1996- Mrs. Pacifico claims to see a "Christ figure" in each novel we read this year. I develop my lexicon using SAT flash cards (and I still remember the meaning of 'lexicon').

1999- I switch my major from Psychology to English and discover that I do not enjoy Milton, or his lost paradise. My favorite course is 'The Gothic Novel.'

2000- Harry. Potter. Mania.

2003- I read aloud Roahl Dahl's Matilda to my first class of third-graders. I use funny voices, just like Miss Fabian. It is the only time of day that my students behave. I am hooked on the teaching of reading.

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